1. Command (⌘) - This is a modifier key used in combination with other keys to perform special operations. It is located between the Control and Option keys in the lower left corner of the keyboard.
2. Control (Ctrl) - This is a modifier key used in combination with other keys to perform special operations. It is located between the Command and Option keys in the lower left corner of the keyboard.
3. Option (Alt) - This is a modifier key used in combination with other keys to perform special operations. It is located between the Command and Control keys in the lower left corner of the keyboard.
4. Shift (⇧) - This is a modifier key used in combination with other keys to perform special operations. It is located between the Control and Command keys in the lower left corner of the keyboard.
5. Function (Fn) - This is a modifier key used in combination with other keys to perform special operations. It is located between the Control and Shift keys in the lower left corner of the keyboard.
6. Caps Lock (⇪) - This is a toggle key that allows you to type in all capitals. When pressed, it locks all letters typed in uppercase until it is pressed again.
7. Tab (⇥) - This is a key used for navigation through windows and menus. When pressed, it moves the cursor to the next tab stop in the current window or menu.
8. Escape (Esc) - This is a key used for exiting windows or menus. When pressed, it will return you to the previous window or menu.
9. Delete (Del) - This is a key used for deleting text and files. When pressed, it will delete the character or file in front of the cursor or highlighted selection.
10. Return (↩) - This is a key used for submitting input in windows or menus. When pressed, it will send the current input to the system for processing.
11. Spacebar (␣) - This is a key used for entering a space in text. When pressed, it will insert a space in the current text field.
12. Home (⌂) - This is a key used for navigating to the beginning of a document or window. When pressed, it will move the cursor to the beginning of the current page or window.
13. End (⌃) - This is a key used for navigating to the end of a document or window. When pressed, it will move the cursor to the end of the current page or window.
14. Page Up (⇞) - This is a key used for navigating up one page in a document or window. When pressed, it will move the cursor up one page in the current document or window.
15. Page Down (⇟) - This is a key used for navigating down one page in a document or window. When pressed, it will move the cursor down one page in the current document or window.
16. Arrow Keys (↑↓←→) - This is a set of four keys used for navigating in documents or windows. When pressed, they will move the cursor in the corresponding direction in the current document or window.
17. Print Screen (PrtScn) - This is a key used for capturing an image of the current window or screen. When pressed, it will take a screenshot of the current window or screen and save it to the clipboard.
18. Scroll Lock (ScrLk) - This is a toggle key used for scrolling through documents or windows. When pressed, it will lock the current window or document in place and allow the user to scroll through it without the cursor moving.
19. Insert (Ins) - This is a key used for inserting text or objects into a document or window. When pressed, it will open a menu allowing the user to insert text, objects, or other elements into the current document or window.
20. Help (F1) - This is a key used for accessing help information. When pressed, it will open a menu providing the user with helpful information on the current window or document.
1. Command + A: Select all items in the active window.
2. Command + B: Bold selected text.
3. Command + C: Copy selected item to the clipboard.
4. Command + D: Duplicate selected item.
5. Command + E: Eject the selected disk or volume.
6. Command + F: Find items in a document or the Finder.
7. Command + G: Find Again - repeat the last search.
8. Command + H: Hide the windows of the front app.
9. Command + I: Get Info about the selected item.
10. Command + J: Justify the selected text.
11. Command + K: Insert a hyperlink in the document.
12. Command + L: Make an alias of the selected item.
13. Command + M: Minimize the active window to the Dock.
14. Command + N: Create a new document or window.
15. Command + O: Open the selected item.
16. Command + P: Print the active document.
17. Command + Q: Quit the active app.
18. Command + R: Refresh the active window.
19. Command + S: Save the active document.
20. Command + T: Open a new tab in the active window.
21. Command + U: Underline the selected text.
22. Command + V: Paste the contents of the clipboard.
23. Command + W: Close the active window.
24. Command + X: Cut the selected item and copy it to the clipboard.
25. Command + Y: Redo the last command.
26. Command + Z: Undo the last command.
27. Command + 1: View the active window as icons.
28. Command + 2: View the active window as a list.
29. Command + 3: View the active window as column.
30. Command + 4: View the active window with Cover Flow.
31. Command + Space: Open Spotlight search.
32. Command + Option + Esc: Force Quit an app.
33. Command + Option + D: Show or hide the Dock.
34. Command + Option + I: Show Inspector window.
35. Command + Option + P: Show or hide the path bar in Finder.
36. Command + Option + S: Show or hide the Sidebar in Finder.
37. Command + Option + T: Show or hide the Toolbar in Finder.
38. Command + Option + V: Move selected item to the Trash.
39. Control + Command + Power: Put your Mac to sleep.
40. Control + Command + F: Enter fullscreen mode.
41. Control + Command + Media Eject: Eject removable media.
42. Control + Command + Media Key: Play or pause media.
43. Control + Option + Command + 8: Invert the colors of the display.
44. Control + Shift + Power: Restart the Mac.
45. Control + Shift + Eject: Put the display to sleep.
46. Option + Command + Esc: Force Quit an unresponsive app.
47. Option + Command + Volume Up/Down: Change the volume of your Mac.
48. Option + Shift + Brightness Up/Down: Change the brightness of your display.
49. Option + Shift + Volume Up/Down: Change the alert volume of your Mac.
50. Shift + Command + 4: Take a screenshot of a selected area.
51. Shift + Command + 3: Take a screenshot of the whole screen.
52. Shift + Command + A: Open the Applications folder.
53. Shift + Command + C: Open the Computer window.
54. Shift + Command + D: Open the Desktop folder.
55. Shift + Command + I: Open iCloud Drive.
56. Shift + Command + K: Open the Network window.
57. Shift + Command + L: Open the Downloads folder.
58. Shift + Command + N: Create a new folder.
59. Shift + Command + R: Open the AirDrop window.
60. Shift + Command + T: Open the Fonts folder.
61. Shift + Command + U: Open the Utilities folder.
62. Shift + Command + V: Open the Clipboard window.
63. Shift + Command + W: Close all windows of the active app.
64. Shift + Command + Z: Undo the last command.
65. Shift + Option + Command + Q: Log out of your Mac user account.